Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Having this much fun is hard work.
I want to get a tattoo or two from the day up on the blog every night,
but it's working till late, then dinner with friends.
Then once Maynard House settles in for bed,
I'm doing drawings for the next day and responding to emails,
and before you know it, it's 2 am.
Thanks to Tyrant for driving up to Northampton tonight;
he, Amy and I went out for dinner
after I got done putting the finishing touches on her chest piece.
I started my day off doing this ferns tattoo,
so it was black and grey all day.

I also made shirts for this guest spot,
but haven't taken any photos of them yet.
I'll get off my lazy butt tomorrow and get that done.
But 2 am is here again,
so I'm off to get six hours of sleep before another full day.

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